the Musicians


Carole King

11x14in (28x35cm) hand drawn with archival ink on Bristol paper

Rose for her roots in New York, California Poppy for her move to California to record her album Tapestry, and Syringa for her settling down in her now-home of Idaho.

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Joni Mitchell

11x14in (28x35cm) hand drawn with archival ink on Bristol paper

Strawflower from her song "Strawflower Me", Matilija Poppy for her time spent in Laurel Canyon, California, and lastly, Prairie Lily for her childhood in Saskatchewan (and her famous painting for the cover of her album Clouds)


Patti Smith

11x14in (28x35cm) hand drawn with archival ink on Bristol paper

Lily of the Valley for her religious iconography in her work, Orchid for her time with Mapplethorpe, Cherry Blossom for her admiration for Japanese writer Akutagawa.

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